
Friday, January 31, 2014

Almost Time to Go!

About this time tomorrow I will be on a plane to start my journey. I don't know how I am supposed to feel about this but I suppose I am feeling it wrong. It still hasn't hit me that I am leaving for six months. The concept feels too big to completely wrap my mind around.

All in all, I am logistically organized and ready to leave. However, my brain has some catching up to do. I have not fully come to terms with the fact that tomorrow night I will not be laying down in my own bed. It is a weird disjunct to see my belongings all neatly packed in my bag and my room cleaned, ready to await my return but still not realizing that I am going to be gone. I am not sure how to close this gap; how to be both physically AND mentally ready for this journey.

I am sure once that plane lands in another country it will become real for me. For now, I am almost glad for this reprieve my brain has given me. I have not really gotten too freaked out because I haven't really accepted that its happening. I am grateful for that.

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